Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Extra virgin olive oil has come!

The extra virgin olive oil is extracted by cold pressure centrifigation and removed in closed circuit stainless tanks. It is disposed of within two months,and it comes from the vilages:Skordilo,Krya and Achladia in the Sitia area.

Koroneiki variety Extra virgin olive oil from area of Siteia Crete Greece.
Cold extraction
                            Low acidity >3
                            Greate taste
                             No colesterol
                            Rich in polyphenols We are looking around for your best offer price and quantities!

Wolesale prices contact click  here

Thursday, December 13, 2012

About us

About us: For millennia, fresh olive oil has been one of life's necessities-not just as food but also as medicine, a beauty aid, and a vital more

Extra virgin olive oil products


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The nutritionally components of our extra virgin olive oil

A tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories, 14 grams of fat, and no cholesterol.

Seventy seven percent (77%) of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated, and nine percent (9%) is polyunsaturated fat, fourteen percent (14%) is vegetable-derived saturated fat.

Virgin olive oils also contain the antioxidants beta-carotene and Vitamin E, as well as the phenolic compounds tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol.

Nutritionally, olive oil contains more monounsaturated fat than any of the popular vegetable oils.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tasting extra virgin olive oil

The aromas of olive oil are a critical part of its flavor. Put
a little bit of extra virgin olive oil into a small glass. Hold it, swirl it, warm it for a minute or two. Then put your nose in the glass and take in the aroma or “nose” of the olive oil. You may notice the smell of fresh-cut grass, cinnamon, tropical fruits or other aromas of ripe or green olive fruit.

Now take a sip. You want to get the impressions of the entire mouth. Suck air through the oil to coax more aromas out of it, and then — this is important — close your mouth and breathe out through your nose. This “retronasal” perception will give you a whole bunch of other flavor notes. Retronasal perception is possible because your mouth connects to your nose in the back. Now swallow some, or all of the olive oil.
Pungency is a peppery sensation, detected in the throat, and a positive characteristic of olive oil. It is a chemical irritation, like the hotness of chilies, and equally appealing once you get used to it. Pungency can be very mild—just the tiniest tingle—or it can be intense enough to make you cough. Olive oil aficionados will sometimes refer to a one, two, or look out, a three-cough oil.
The third positive attribute of olive oil, in addition to fruity and pungent, is bitter. Bitterness, like pungency, is also an acquired taste. As anyone who has ever tasted an olive right off the tree can attest, bitter is a prominent taste in fresh olives. Since olive oil is made from uncured olives, varying degrees of bitterness can be found; oil made from riper fruit will have little to no bitterness, oil made from greener fruit can be distinctly bitter. American taste horizons are broadening; we are exploring bitterness with foods like dark chocolate, bitter salad greens and now, robust olive oils.
The fruity characteristics you may notice in the mouth include nutty, buttery and other ripe flavors, and a fuller spectrum of green fruity notes. The traditional palate cleanser between olive oils, is water, plain or sparkling, and slices of Granny Smith apple.



As a result of the Seven Countries Study, the Mediterranean diet has been popularized as a healthy diet. Nevertheless, it has not replaced the prudent diet commonly prescribed to coronary patients. Recently, we completed a secondary, randomized, prospective prevention trial in 605 patients recovering from myocardial infarction in which we compared an adaptation of the Cretan Mediterranean diet with the usual prescribed diet. After a mean follow-up period of 27 mo, recurrent myocardial infarction, all cardiovascular events, and cardiac and total death were significantly decreased by > 70% in the group consuming the Mediterranean diet. These protective effects were not related to serum concentrations of total, low-density-lipoprotein (LDL), or high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In contrast, protective effects were related to changes observed in plasma fatty acids: an increase in n-3 fatty acids and oleic acid and a decrease in linoleic acid that resulted from higher intakes of linolenic and oleic acids, but lower intakes of saturated fatty acids and linoleic acid. In addition, higher plasma concentrations of antioxidant vitamins C and E were observed. We conclude that a Cretan Mediterranean diet adapted to a Western population protected against coronary heart disease much more efficiently than did the prudent diet. Thus, it appears that the favorable life expectancy of the Cretans could be largely due to their diet.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Olive oil(extra virgin) for better erection and longer

A new study has shown that men who put in large amounts of body fat the best, most powerful sexual libido.

Olive and olive oil can significantly improve the ratio between good and bad fats in the blood, and thus prevention will affect the strength of veins and will cause traffic ... be good.

Besides that will positively affect erection, olive oil reduces the risk for heart disease. For better and long erection also assist both peanuts and avocado.

For mor information you can see the post:

Vitamin E,sex and extra virgin olive oil

Monday, August 13, 2012


When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, I think we can finally say good-bye to the fat free diets that were so popular several years ago. We've always known that you need some fat in your diet for a number of reasons. Fats are sources of fatty acids, essential for cell growth and development and the production of some hormones. They transport fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), provide energy and provide wonderful taste to foods. They also keep us full which is an important thing for people trying to manage their weight.

So what's the problem with fat? Not much, if its healthy fat.

It is more calorie dense than protein and carbs -- 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories compared to 4 from protein and carbs, so one tablespoon of oil has 120 calories. Eaten in excess fats can provide lots of calories which can contribute to your waistline. But, studies have shown that they play an important role in weight management, when eaten in moderation. It's that satiety factor in fats that helps keep you feeling full. So when trying to lose weight, it's important to have some in your diet.

When it comes to fats, it's how much and also the kind you choose.
There are also different kinds of fats -- monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated and they all play different roles in your body. Too much saturated fat (found in animal products of like meat, poultry and full fat dairy) can raise your LDL-cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) but when you replace some of the saturated fat in your diet with the unsaturated variety, it helps lower your LDL. And trans fats, the result of processing and hydrogenation are linked to numerous health issues and should be avoided. Choosing healthy fats is the solution.
One of those "healthy" fats is always on top-ten power food lists. Olive oil, a monounsaturated fat, is one that you should consider for cooking and adding flavour to salads and more. Let's take a closer look at it:

* Olive oil is a source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and also rich in unique disease-fighting plant chemicals and vitamin E.

* Research suggests that it's plant chemicals help dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clots and decrease inflammation in the body. Other studies have linked this oil to reducing risk of some cancers and Type 2 diabetes and boosting immunity. Olive oil helps your body use plant chemicals from other foods. For example, lycopene, the antioxidant found in tomatoes is fat soluble and is best absorbed when eaten with some fat. Think olive oil in your tomato sauce.

* Olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits.

* With a wide range to choose form, its best to choose olive oils that are cold-pressed and unrefined fined such as "extra virgin" or "virgin" which have the highest amount of nutrients compared pared to "olive oil" (a blend of virgin and refined olive oil) or "extra light olive oil". Extra virgin is the top quality and has the widest variety of flavours and aromas.

* "Light" olive oil is refined, does not have fewer calories than other oils and is light in flavor only.

* Contrary to popular folklore, you can cook with olive oil. When it comes to use, the most flavourful and usually more expensive oils, are better for salad dressings, marinades, tossing with grilled vegetables or brushing on bread. The less expensive oils, with less intense flavors are better for grilling, sauteeing and frying.

More in other colums.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Olive oil cleaning

It is economical and does not clog pores

You may remember from school that a material can dissolve another material with similar chemical structure. Thus, since the make up contains oils are usually reasonable that the oil can dissolve.

The benefits of olive oil cleansing

* It's economical: you can buy a big bottle that will last long or may already have in your kitchen!

* It is effective: it works almost as well as cleansing

* It creates black spots, not clog pores

The disadvantages

* Oily skin: you may not feel your skin completely clean and you want to use a normal cleansing

* Not the best for skin care: Olive oil works well, but regular cleaning is more effective to prevent your skin feeling greasy

* Restrict the type of skin: while generally considered not to create acne, there are cases that has led to outbreaks. So if you have oily skin or prone to exacerbations, olive oil is not suitable for you.

The conclusion

Olive oil is a pretty good cleaner, but the classics are more effective cleaning. However, if you looking for natural, homemade solutions then the oil can be an effective way to remove your makeup - always according to skin type


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Next season

We are waitning offers for the other season.
With the majority or not.
Bulk or packaged

               IN THE WORLD!

You can find us here

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

10 New Uses for Olive Oil

10 New Uses for Olive Oil

“Olive oil is a good lubricant because its molecules easily slide past one another, thereby helping solid objects to overcome friction,” says Wolke. “Its film also fills up microscopic rough spots in surfaces, making them look polished and shiny.”

Use Olive Oil to:

1. Shave. Olive oil can provide a closer shave when used in place of shaving cream.
2. Shine stainless steel. Many cleaning standbys, such as ammonia, can dull and even corrode chrome and stainless steel. Olive oil, however, is a safe and effective shining agent.
3. Remove eye makeup. Dab a little under the eyes and rinse off with a washcloth.
4. Prevent wax from sticking to a candle holder. Rub a thin coat on the base of the holder before inserting a candle. Dripped wax should peel away easily.
5. Care for your pet. Add 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon to your cat’s food to help prevent hair balls.
6. Moisturize cuticles. Apply a small amount of olive oil to the nail beds.
7. Treat dry skin. Rub a thin layer over the skin after a shower or a waxing.
8. Unstick a zipper. Using a Q-tip, apply a drop to lubricate the teeth. (Avoid touching the fabric.) The zipper should move up and down freely.
9. Dust wooden furniture. Apply a bit of oil to a cloth and wipe.
10. Silence squeaky doors. Lubricate hinges by applying a small dab to a cloth, then wiping the top of the hinges so that the oil runs down the sides.
More you can read here

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Olives on the menu for thausands years

The branch of the olive tree has long been a symbol of peace. The olive dates to the 17th Century B.C., where it first appeared in print in Egyptian records. Native to the Mediterranean region, the olive is a small, oily fruit containing a pit. It's grown both for its fruit and oil in subtropical zones, including the United States (Arizona, California and New Mexico) and Latin America. Italy, Spain and Greece are the largest olive producers in the world.

Olive varieties number in the dozens: manzanilla, kalamata, niçoise, lugano and picholine, to name a few. While all fresh olives are bitter, the final flavor of the fruit depends on how ripe they are when picked and the processing they receive. Olives are pickled or preserved using oil, water, brine or dry-curing methods.
Unopened olives may be stored at room temperature for up to two years. Once opened, olives can be refrigerated in their own liquid in a non-metal container for several weeks.
Kalamata(greek own) olives, called for in this recipe, typically are packed in olive oil or vinegar. They are a deep-purplish color and about a half-inch long. You can buy them with or without the pits. To easily remove the pit, place the olive on a clean work surface. Place the back of a chef's knife on the olives and press down on the back of the knife with the palm of your hand. The pit should break through.
Sodium watchers take note: Don't overdo this delectable fruit. Ten large olives supply more than 20% of your day's maximum requirement of sodium.

Asparagus soup

Serves: 6 (1-cup servings) / Preparation time: 10 minutes / Total time: 50 minutes
1 1/2 pounds fresh asparagus, cut into 2-inch slices
1 small red onion, peeled and quartered
2 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in half
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 1/4 cups (32 ounces) fat-free, less-sodium vegetable broth
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
Snipped chives, optional
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a jellyroll pan with foil. Place asparagus, onion and garlic on pan. Drizzle vegetables with oil and gently toss to coat. Roast uncovered for 15 to 20 minutes or until vegetables soften and the skins darken slightly. Place vegetables and pan juices in a large stock pot and add the broth. Cover and simmer over low heat 10 to 15 minutes. Purée vegetable mixture in a blender, food processor or using an immersion blender until smooth. If using a blender or food processor, return soup to the pot and continue to heat on low. Stir in salt and black pepper. If desired, garnish with fresh, snipped chives when serving.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vlerat ushqyese te patates

Të paktën sipas studimeve të ndryshme rezulton se deri më tani patatet janë karbohidrate të cilat përmbajnë edhe shumë proteina, kjo i bënë një ushqim ideal për ata që duan të shtojnë në peshë. Prania e shumë vitaminave si vitamina C dhe B-kompleks ndihmojnë në thithjen e duhur të këtyre karbohidrateve. Kjo është arsyeja pse patatet janë pjesë të pashmangshme në regjimin ushqimor.
Meqë patatet përmbajnë karbohidrate ata treten lehtë dhe për pasojë lehtësojnë tretjen. Kjo veti i bën patatet një ushqim të mirë për pacientët, foshnjat dhe për ata që nuk tresin dot ushqimet e forta, por që kanë nevojë për energji. Por të kujtojmë se nëse hahen shumë patate rregullisht mund të shkaktojë aciditet në afat të gjatë. Patatet gjithashtu përmbajnë sasi të konsiderueshme fibrash.
*Kujdesi i lëkurës
Vitamina C, vitaminat B-kompleks dhe mineralet si kalium, magnez, fosfor dhe zink janë me vlerë për lëkurën. Përveç kësaj, tuli i shtypur i patates i përzier me mjaltë shërben për një fytyrë të shkëlqyer,për qeskat poshtë syve dhe për njollat në fytyrë. Përsëri, kjo masë nëse aplikohet në vendet e djegura jep një lehtësim të shpejtë.
Vitamina C e pranishme në patate mund të ndihmojë në parandalimin e kësaj sëmundje të shkaktuar për shkak të mungesës së vitaminës C. Ajo karakterizohet nga buzët e plasaritura dhe mishrat e dhëmbëve me gjakrrjedhje,infeksione të shpeshta virale si ftohje etj.
Vitaminat, kalciumi dhe magnezi në patate ndihmojnë për një lehtësim në reumatizëm. Uji i marrur nga patatet e ziera jep gjithashtu një lehtësim. Por për shkak të përmbajtjes së lartë të niseshtesë ose karbohidrateve ajo tenton të rrit peshën e trupit gjë e cila mund të jetë me efekte negative tek pacientët reumatik.
Patatet janë shumë efektive në inflamacionin e brendshëm apo të jashtëm. Ato heqin inflamacionin tek zorrët dhe sistemin e tretjes dhe janë një ushqim i mirë për ata që kanë ulcerë në gojë. Patatet e shtypura mund të aplikohen për të lehtësuar inflamacionet e jashtme, djegiet etj.
Funksionimi i duhur i trurit varet shumë nga niveli i glukozës, i furnizimit me oksigjen, nga disa përbërës së kompleksit B, nga disa hormone, aminoacide dhe acidet yndyrore siç është omega-3.
Patatja mbulon pothuajse të gjitha nevojat e përmendura më lart. Ajo është e pasur me karbohidrate dhe mban në nivele të duhura glukozën në gjak e cila nuk lë për lodhje trurin dhe e bën atë aktiv. Oksigjeni i cili dërgohet në tru me anë të hemoglobinës në gjak ka përbërës kryesor hekurin. Patatet përmbajnë shumë hekur dhe kështu ndihmojnë për këtë funksion gjithashtu. Fosfori dhe zinku të gjetur në patate janë të vlefshme për trurin.
*Sëmundjet e zemrës
Përveç vitaminave (B-kompleks, C), mineraleve dhe fibrave, patatet përmbajnë substanca të quajtur Karotenoid (lutein, zeaxanthin etj) të cilat janë të dobishme për zemrën dhe organet e tjera të brendshme. Por përsëri, pasi patatja ngre nivelin e glukozës në gjak dhe konsumimi i tepërt mund të çojë në trashje gjë e cila mund të vërë në presion të madh zemrën nuk rekomandohet për njerëzit e dhjamosur dhe diabetike.
*Gurët në veshka
Gurët në veshka janë shkaktuar kryesisht nga niveli i lartë i acidit urik në gjak. Në raste të tilla, proteinat duhet të shmangen, veçanërisht proteinat shtazore të tilla si mishi, gjel deti, karkaleca deti, peshqit e detit, vezët, qumështi si dhe spinaqi,fasulet të cilat në mënyrë drastike rritin nivelin e acidit urik në gjak. Hekuri dhe kalciumi gjithashtu ndihmojnë në formimin e gurit. Patatja është e pasur me të dyja këto dhe normalisht nuk përshtatet nga kjo pikëpamje. Por kjo është shumë e pasur me magnez i cili refuzon grumbullimin apo depozitimin e kalciumit (kalcifikim) në veshka dhe indet e tjera, duke e bërë të dobishëm kundër formimit të gurëve.
Patatja është një ushqim i pasur me energji për ata që vuajnë nga diarreja, pasi patatet treten lehtë si dhe janë të buta. Por një konsumim i madh mund të shkaktojë diarre për shkak të gëlltitjes së tepërt të niseshtesë.
Lëngu i patates është një trajtim i mirë për djegiet, plagët,ndrydhjet, problemet me lëkurën, ulcerat, efektet e narkotikëve, kancerit të mitrës kundër formimit të cisteve ose tumoreve. Nga ana tjetër, duhet kujdes kur hani patate. Patatet jeshile janë helmuese sepse përmbajnë alkaloidë, si solanine, chaconine dhe arsenik të cilët në mbidozë mund të jetë fatale. Për më tepër, indeksi glicemisë tek patatet është shumë e lartë (mbi 80) dhe prandaj ata që duan të dobëson duhet të shmangin patatet. “Patatja e ëmbël ka një ngjashmëri të madhe me pankreasin dhe gjithashtu nxit funksionimin e shëndetshëm të organit. Këto lloj patatesh janë të pasura në beta karoten, i cili është një antioksidant fuqishëm që mbron të gjitha indet e trupit, duke përfshirë pankreasin nga dëmtimet që lidhen me kancerin ose plakjen”- thonë Shkencëtarët. Pjesa e jeshile në lëkurën e patates është klorofil, por ky klorofil tregon se patatja është ekspozuar në dritën ku toksina natyrore e patates solanina është koncentruar në mënyrë të dëmshme. Solanina është një mekanizëm natyror i mbrojtjes së patates për të shmangur kërpudhat dhe parazitët. Ajo ka një shije të hidhur dhe gjithashtu ajo shkakton probleme me shëndetin dhe vdekjen. Ky kompleks është i qëndrueshëm në temperaturë të valë prandaj këshillohet të pritet dhe të hidhet kjo pjesë. Për shkak të këtyre arsyeve, patatet kryesisht ishin përdorur për të ushqyer kriminelë apo të burgosurve të luftës.

Extra-virgin olive oil cake

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Cake

May 20, 2012 12:24 am

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Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Cake
PG tested
This simple, delicious cake is a great summer staple. Hardy enough to transport to pot-lucks and picnics, it goes great with all kinds of summer fruit. -- China Millman
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9- or 10-inch cake pan with vegetable oil spray or lightly oil it. Cut a piece of parchment to fit the bottom of the pan and lightly spray or oil it.
In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, whisk the sugar and eggs until the color lightens somewhat. Add the orange juice, olive oil and vanilla extract and whisk to combine.
Add the flour mixture in three additions, mixing well between each one. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted toward the middle of the cake comes out clean, 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool on a rack for 10 minutes and then invert the cake onto a cooling rack. Wrap in plastic wrap when completely cool. The cake will keep for about 2 days. It also freezes really well wrapped in plastic wrap.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Extra virgin olive oil from Sitian farmer

Prices controversial 

For more information click in the site below


OLIVE OIL untill 0.7% acidity prices list

OLIVE OIL untill 0.3% acidity prices list

For wholesales prices just click: