Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Original Tzatziki

This is just one interpretation of this classic 


225 g full fat Greek yogurt
2 garlic cloves
1-2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice (use real lemon)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cucumber
1. Crush the garlic with a little bit of salt and pepper.
2. Peel the cucumber and grate. Squeeze well to get rid of water.
3. Whip the yogurt in a bowl and then add the garlic paste, mixing well and then add the cucumber and mix again.
4. Start adding small amounts of olive oil alternating with the vinegar while mixing.
5. Add about 2 teaspoons fresh dill and mix well.

Scrub with salt and olive oil

The regularly exfoliate your face is important to refresh your skin, sweeping away dead skin cells, leaving your skin ... soft and shiny. Of course you should not overdo it, as once a week is enough.

You will need:

- 1 tablespoon fresh olive oil

- 1 tablespoon table salt

- 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil


Olive oil is nutritious and rich in vitamins. Provides the skin with all the nutrients needed for tissue regeneration. Table salt is soothing, firming and antiseptic properties. Finally, lavender essential oil contains vitamins and minerals that have the capacity to disinfect the skin.

Method of preparation:

Add to a bowl of olive oil, table salt and lavender essential oil and mix well until a uniform mixture.

How to apply:

Apply the mixture to your face with your fingers and then a good massage for 3-5 minutes. Finally, remove with lukewarm water.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hair Treatment with extra virgin olive oil for more shine

Olive oil has the ability to help the hair regain its lost luster, gain strength and vitality while, olive oil and combats dry skin.

At the same time, during the winter months, hair is more dry and frizz or break more easily. Olive oil can moisturize the hair.

Quick fix: do not spend money on special oils. Take a few drops of olive oil on your fingers and spent the hair ends (when dry).

More shine: oil moisturizes the hair and restores shine thanks to vitamin E which helps in rebuilding.
Quick fix: replace your conditioner with olive oil!

Softness: cold, some shampoo, enduring styling, leaving hair dry. The oil will help your hair to soften without showing unwashed. Once a week, applied a deep nourishing mask with olive oil in your hair.
The oil tames hair: dry hair is difficult to comb and often do not leave your haircut look. A treatment with olive oil can make your hair smoother!


Oil: made sure the oil you use are extra virgin, low acidity to help and not to worsen the picture the hair.

And do a brush to spread the oil and a bag or towel to wrap your hair.
Be sure to wash your hair after treatment with 3 washing hands with warm water.

Treatment No1: Apply olive oil from root to tip, wrap with cling film and leave to act the oil throughout the evening. Keep a towel on the pillow so as not to smudge. The treatment is good to apply once a week.

Treatment No2: Take half a cup of hot oil and coated the hair from the middle (at least 4 inches away from the root) and up to the edges. Wrap with a towel or bag and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse and you are ready.

Treatment No3: put in bowl 50 ml olive oil and an equal amount of laurel. Spread the hair and wait an hour. Rinse and enjoy softness and hydration.

If not laurel, replace it with essential oil: bergamot (3 drops), Tea Tree (3 drops), sandalwood (2 drops).
Treatment No4: Keep the oil in bottle and spray the edges or in traumatized edges with scissors. This recipe Demeter sip of his book "Elixirs of Beauty."


Seven peaks of fresh rosemary

7 bay leaves

1 tsp spores from flax (linseed)

50 ml wheat germ

50 ml olive oil

50 ml sesame


In a large glass jar throw the mixture of oils and all herbs. Leave them in the sun one week. Strain the herbs from the oil and save the pure oil blend in handy pack to be able to take it with you.

                 7.55 Euro  + 8.45 Shipping to worldwide

Extra virgin olive oil hair polish spray

Greek salad :full summer and nutritius meal

Only salad you eat? And fill up? Appetizer salad is ...... Can some years ago the salad to be a side dish, but today may well be a complete meal! The Greek salad is one of the most common and favorite dishes, which is open daily at the tables of the Greeks-and beyond.

It is no coincidence, also the fact that tourists who visit Greece often choose a salad as a main meal.

Let us now see in detail how nutritious and adequate to meet our needs is this "famous" salad.

The tomato is the main ingredient. Has few calories and are a rich source of vitamin C. It also gives the body sufficient amounts of other vitamins such as vitamin A. Known for its antioxidant action is lycopene contained in tomatoes, which is extremely important for men, since its intake has been associated with reducing the risk of prostate cancer.

Second component of rustic salad is cucumber. The water content reaches 97% and therefore classified as vegetables with the fewest calories. The nutritional value of cucumber is poor. Of vitamins and minerals containing some minimal vitamin K and potassium. The increased water content helps to replenish lost body fluids.

Peppers, apart from its rich flavor, which is rich in vitamin C. Also contain carotenoids, vitamin B6, manganese, and vitamin A. All these nutrients contained in a vegetable few calories. Did you know that a raw pepper contains more vitamin C than a glass of orange juice?

The onion could not be missing from the traditional Greek salad. The onion has antioxidant and antiseptic action. Surveys indicate that consumption contributes probably to protect the human body from cancer.

Food-drug is olive oil! It is rich in liposoluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and also contains B and C. The highest percentage of these vitamins is owned by A and E. Vitamin E has potential anticancer activity, seen as essential to the maintenance of normal reproductive capacity of the organization. It also helps reduce "bad" cholesterol. Can the benefits of olive oil be many, but care is needed in quantity, as it is a high calorie food.

The olives are rich in nutrients and compete with extra virgin olive oil. Contain significant amounts of vitamin A and carotenoids in small quantities vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Black olives are richer in total tocopherols in relation to green and the only ones that contain beta-tocopherols and alpha-tocotrienols. The trace of the olives are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. The olives are kept in brine, thus contain large amounts of sodium.

The slice belongs to the group of meat. Contains high protein nutritional value and calcium. It is also rich in vitamins, particularly the B group, such as thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and B12. Apart from calcium, other minerals containing is phosphorus, fluorine and zinc. Feta, like most cheeses have enough fat. If you do not want, then, to move much calories of salad, we should be especially careful in the amount of cheese you eat. Also, feta is quite salty cheese and therefore it is advisable to avoid adding extra salt to the salad.

The final touch of flavor and aroma in the salad will give, rich in antioxidants, oregano.

Finally, a kind of group of starch (bread, rusk, toast, croutons) is missing, so that our salad turned into a complete and healthy meal that will supply us with all the necessary nutrients, but not us causes heaviness or discomfort.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Valuable "ally" health olive oil

The olive tree, symbol of peace and wisdom always to the Greeks, is a product of the Cretan land since at least 3000 BC, after the dry subtropical climate and the wider Mediterranean region offers ... ideal living conditions for the evergreen tree Olea europaea from which the oil.

Scientific interest in the oil was rekindled when the "Seven Countries Study" (decade 1960) highlighted the Mediterranean diet, and hence the oil as a key component of this, as a factor in reducing mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer incidence.

What makes olive oil so special?

The oil consists of 80% monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fatty acids whose consumption has repeatedly been associated with desirable changes in lipid profile. Another element that highlights the nutritional value of olive oil are the phenols, which have antioxidant properties.

Interesting is that the extra virgin olive oil are multiple richer in antioxidants than regular oil, which highlights the importance of the production process. Many research even today, is not able to distinguish if the monounsaturated fatty or phenolic compounds binding the oil with health conditions.

What are the beneficial effects of olive oil on health?

Thanks to the above ingredients, olive oil seems to affect positive indicators of cardiovascular function mainly.

More specifically, replacement of saturated fat in our diets with monounsaturated fat improves blood lipids resulting in a reduction in total and LDL cholesterol, while it has also been shown that such a diet high in monounsaturated is probably preferable to a low total fat diet in the functioning arteries.

In addition, olive oil phenols are a good dietary source of antioxidants which offer greater resistance to deterioration of the oil heat treatment during cooking, such as frying, making it perhaps the most healthy choice for this.

Furthermore, in conjunction with the endogenous antioxidant mechanisms of the body, protects the blood lipids, and seeing the LDL cholesterol from the harmful oxidation in the blood, thereby reducing the risk for creating plaque.

Indeed, the European Food Safety Agency has recognized the hydroxy-tyrosol (predominant phenolic compound of olive oil) for its protective effect against oxidation of LDL. It has been shown that additional diets where over 12% of total energy provided by monounsaturated fatty acids have beneficial effects on adipose tissue and blood pressure, helping to combat the metabolic syndrome.

Similar effects have been observed in diabetes and cancer where a recent meta-analysis showed that individuals who had the greatest observed consumption of olive oil were the least likely to suffer from any form of cancer.

Back in extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil has a special place in the heart and in the Greek diet. The value, which is characterized by its unique combination of nutrients mentioned above, increases with increasing quality and that it is necessary to strictly respected.

This does not only ensure the ground conditions and cultivated olive trees, but also by the desire to screen the wrist and respect for the processing.

So these principles are well aware of the Cretans since the period of the "Study of Seven Countries" and continue today to give us the precious oil with generous benefits.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Extra virgin olive oil against Alzheimer.

Olive oil as we know, according to several studies, yperpolytimo health. But there is something in it which is ultimately more important. New research conducted in the U.S. showed that olive oil may protect from Alzheimer's disease, thanks to elaiokanthali substance that protects nerve cells from the formation of amyloid plaques.

Scientists at the University of Louisiana studied the effect of elaiokanthalis on brain cells that were cultivated from mice that granted twice a day to the substance of extra virgin olive oil for a period of two weeks.

Result: The elaiokanthali helped increase production of proteins and enzymes that the body needs to remove the brain beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain which is an important indicator of disease.

According to the report of the scientists, published in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience, are sure to discover understood the reason why the disease is not present in high levels in the Mediterranean countries, where food dominates the menu of the oil age.