Friday, June 28, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Yogurt with Extra Virgin Olive Oil for weight reduction

Any attempt to lose weight is difficult, but new research suggests that olive oil yogurt can help you stay elegant!
Scientists at the Technical University of Munich and the University of Vienna tested the skills of appetite reductionism refining oil, the butter,sallos and corn. As part of their research, they monitored people who ate yogurt 500g with one of four types of oils, in addition to their normal diet, every day, for three consecutive months.

The findings showed that those who consumed extra virgin olive oil is not added to the weight after three months and had high levels of serotonin, the hormone that makes us feel satiated.
Scientists believe that this is due to a flavor that olive oil, which makes us feel satiety while reducing taking in less calories than 800 KJ per day. "It was found that those who ate yogurt with olive oil had higher levels of the hormone serotonin - which controls feelings of satiety - in their blood," said study author, Professor Peter Schieberle, writes Vimmes. "These participants reported that yogurt with olive oil was satiated and no member of the group had no increase in the percentage of body fat or weight."
To discover why olive oil was so effective, the researchers did a second experiment and found that even his smell was so strong impact on the level of appetite. Participants who ate yogurt with added extracts of aromatic olive oil consumed an average of 740 KJ per day, ie, less than those who had eaten yogurt without aromatic extracts.
So, for a healthy, add a little extra virgin olive oil in your daily diet. Try a simple outfit to serve with a little salad or bread as a healthier option than butter


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Annulled the decision to ban the bottles in bulk of olive oil to restaurants

While the whole European South celebrating the final elimination from 1 January 2014 the use of anonymous epanagenizomenon vials with olive oil, offered at the tables catering business, after the passage of the amendment to Regulation 29/2012 of the EU and give another air 'gold the South "changing the economics for the benefit of the Mediterranean countries, the rich countries of the North in the last 24hours undermine the oil after the verdict to get back the setting.

    The protagonists of the coup
    Protagonists of the coup seems to be the countries which had voted against the plan such as Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Luxembourg and Southern countries as Bulgaria, spearheaded by Germany.
   In countries that voted in favor of measures include Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland.
    It is worth mentioning that voted in favor of measures and the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania, countries that had not voted on the measures indicative vote held last February.
     Belgium, the United Kingdom and Hungary abstained from voting. Of course the reasons for the negative vote of the nine countries of the North were not known, but it is obvious that as seed oil producing countries are not in their interest to shield the oil from blurry practices that allow placing seed oils as olive oil.
      The provision as passed by a common position in the Nordic countries, bring the matter to the previous state as it leaves to the discretion of states and catering outlets choosing quality and packaging of olive oil. While the regulation was to be effective from January 2014, taverns and hotels in Crete began applying the measure ahead of the new season.

     Dimensions collision north - south
    The issue attains dimensions collision north - south, and the rich countries of the North stubbornly refuse to adopt a solution that would give goodwill and "breath" in an important agricultural product of the southern struggling this season to leave the financial crisis such as the Greece.
     According to the Regulation, which was finally abolished, olive oil offered from catering companies, (fresh) to final consumers should be packaged in containers with an opening system that can not be resealed after the first use and not allow refolding the container when the content ends.
    The aim was to prevent business practices that serve the degraded oil mixed with cheaper oils to obtain information for consumers about the type of oil that is being offered, for who the manufacture is and where it comes from.
     The Secretary General of Copa-Cogeca, Pekka Pesonen reacted strongly saying: "It's really ridiculous that the commission withdrew the measure because of political pressure. This issue has been under discussion for over a year and had the support of 15 Member States and went through all the legal procedures of the EU was a very simple and positive step for everyone. Represented a first step in implementing the Action Plan of the European Commission that will sustain the viability and competitiveness of olive oil - a product that has many nutritional health benefits everybody. "

It's ridiculous !