The benefits

Why Olive Oil is the Most Important Ingredient for Your Kitchen?

When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, I think we can finally say good-bye to the fat free diets that were so popular several years ago. We've always known that you need some fat in your diet for a number of reasons. Fats are sources of fatty acids, essential for cell growth and development and the production of some hormones. They transport fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), provide energy and provide wonderful taste to foods. They also keep us full which is an important thing for people trying to manage their weight.

So what's the problem with fat? Not much, if its healthy fat.
It is more calorie dense than protein and carbs -- 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories compared to 4 from protein and carbs, so one tablespoon of oil has 120 calories. Eaten in excess fats can provide lots of calories which can contribute to your waistline. But, studies have shown that they play an important role in weight management, when eaten in moderation. It's that satiety factor in fats that helps keep you feeling full. So when trying to lose weight, it's important to have some in your diet.
When it comes to fats, it's how much and also the kind you choose.
There are also different kinds of fats -- monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated and they all play different roles in your body. Too much saturated fat (found in animal products of like meat, poultry and full fat dairy) can raise your LDL-cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) but when you replace some of the saturated fat in your diet with the unsaturated variety, it helps lower your LDL. And trans fats, the result of processing and hydrogenation are linked to numerous health issues and should be avoided. Choosing healthy fats is the solution.
One of those "healthy" fats is always on top-ten power food lists. Olive oil, a monounsaturated fat, is one that you should consider for cooking and adding flavour to salads and more. Let's take a closer look at it:
* Olive oil is a source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and also rich in unique disease-fighting plant chemicals and vitamin E.

* Research suggests that it's plant chemicals help dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clots and decrease inflammation in the body. Other studies have linked this oil to reducing risk of some cancers and Type 2 diabetes and boosting immunity. Olive oil helps your body use plant chemicals from other foods. For example, lycopene, the antioxidant found in tomatoes is fat soluble and is best absorbed when eaten with some fat. Think olive oil in your tomato sauce.

* Olive oil is an important part of the Mediterranean diet, known for its health benefits.
* With a wide range to choose form, its best to choose olive oils that are cold-pressed and unrefined fined such as "extra virgin" or "virgin" which have the highest amount of nutrients compared pared to "olive oil" (a blend of virgin and refined olive oil) or "extra light olive oil". Extra virgin is the top quality and has the widest variety of flavours and aromas.
* "Light" olive oil is refined, does not have fewer calories than other oils and is light in flavor only.
* Contrary to popular folklore, you can cook with olive oil. When it comes to use, the most flavourful and usually more expensive oils, are better for salad dressings, marinades, tossing with grilled vegetables or brushing on bread. The less expensive oils, with less intense flavors are better for grilling, sauteeing and frying.
If you keep your kitchen well-stocked with great ingredients, you can improve your ability to cook healthy, tasty dishes. While a good kitchen needs a solid supply of dozens of different ingredients, olive oil is unquestionably one of the most important. Here are a few of the best reasons to keep a good supply of high-quality olive oils in your kitchen.

1. It’s a healthy fat

Olive oil promotes good digestion and may help decrease your risk of heart disease. It’s a great alternative to vegetable oil and other fats, and because olive oil is also rich in essential fatty acids, including omega-6, it’s actually a beneficial ingredient in many dishes. Try replacing butter with olive oil to immediately improve your favorite dishes’ calorie counts.

2. It’s versatile

Just as wine connoisseurs study the complex range of tastes in merlots and cabernets, there are olive oil connoisseurs who study the complexities of different olive oils. Whether you’re looking for a rich, woody addition for meat dishes or a more light and floral oil to add to your breads, there are olive oils to suit your tastes.
By learning about the different types of olive oils, you can gain a remarkable amount of control over the tastes of your dishes. There are few ingredients in your kitchen as versatile or powerful as high-quality olive oils.

3. You can use it outside of the kitchen.

                                                                                       Undoubtedly, and it nourishes and replenishes whether it is applied topically or added to your diet. There are numerous studies that link olive oil with reduced risks of various cancers due to the antioxidants present in high-quality, unprocessed oils.

All kitchens should have a good supply of olive oils. If you invest in unprocessed oils from a reputable manufacturer, you will improve your health and the quality of your dishes dramatically. Be sure to look for the North American Olive Oil Association (NAOOA) logo and experiment to find your favorites.


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      Olive oil is a fantastic source of vitamin E. Consuming olives or olive oil has been associated with such health benefits as reducing blood pressure, decreasing growth of some cancers,
      Lessening the severity of asthma and arthritis and may actually help maintain a lower weight. Using olive oil externally on your body can also have benefits. Olive oil is now found in many skin care products. The vitamin E found in the olive oil is the key ingredient. Here is how 1 bottle of olive oil can meet your skin care needs.
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      Hair: Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to your hair conditioner. Shake well before each use. Use conditioner as usual. Olive oil will provide not only a beautiful shine, but also manageability.
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      Eyes: Nightly, place a small amount of oil on your finger tips. Gently dab on the corner of your eyes, your eye lids and under your eyes. Use caution not to get in your eyes. You can also do this to your eye brows after tweezing or waxing to provide moisture and soothing relief.
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      Lips: daily, place a small amount of oil on your finger tips. Rub across your lips to provide moisture and shine.
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      Hands and Nails: Use nightly, take small amount and rub into nails and cuticles. This will give a beautiful shine to your nails and keep nail beds and cuticles soft. Make a sugar scrub (see recipe link below). Use sugar scrub on hands nightly to keep hands hydrated and soft.
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      Feet: Use 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a warm footbath. Soak for 10 minutes. A pat dry. You can also use sugar scrub on your feet, daily.
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      Full body: Use sugar scrub daily in shower for continued soft and hydrated skin, You can also use olive oil in a massage

How to Make A Conditioning Hot Oil Hair Treatment

How to Make A Conditioning Hot Oil Hair Treatment thumbnail
You too can have healthy hair!
Are you looking for a low cost and effective deep conditioner for your hair? Olive oil is an affordable treatment for dry, brittle hair. Olive oil not only conditions hair, but it also adds shine and elasticity to hair. Try this olive oil hair treatment today, and you will soon be on your way to a head of healthier, shinier hair.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2 cup of Olive oil
  • Microwave
  • Shower cap
  • Instructions

    • 1
      Fill a microwaveable safe bowl or cup with 1/2 cup of olive oil. Place the bowl or cup into the microwave. Microwave it for 30 seconds.
    • 2
      Take the heated olive oil into the bathroom. Place it somewhere safe near your bathtub where it will not tip over and spill.
    • 3
      Saturate your hair with the olive oil. Concentrate getting the olive oil on your scalp and the ends of your hair.
    • 4
      Once you have put all of the olive oil on your hair, place the shower cap on top of your head.
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      Leave the olive oil and the shower cap on your head for thirty minutes. This will allow the olive oil to deeply condition your hair.
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      After thirty minutes rinse your hair with cool water. Then shampoo your hair. You will probably need to wash your hair at least twice to get all of the olive oil out of your hair.
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      Use your normal hair conditioner. After you wash out your conditioner, use a wide tooth comb to comb through your hair.

Tips & Warnings

  • This hot olive oil treatment can be repeated once a week.
  • Do not over heat the olive oil. If it is too hot let it sit for a few moments to cool


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